Music at Trinity Episcopal Church
Music is at the heart of our worship at Trinity Episcopal Church. Our choir offers anthems and leads the congregation in singing hymns on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. The music at Trinity is in choral tradition of the Episcopal Church.
About the Organ
Built by the Austin Organ Company of Harford, Connecticut, the organ at Galveston’s Trinity Episcopal Church was completed in June of 1989. The organ includes 4,086 pipes constructed of various woods and metals. The three-manual drawknob console controls five divisions, including an antiphonal division with a brilliant trompette-en-chamade, located in the rear gallery of the church.
Our Choirs
Joseph Painter, our Director of Music, leads the Trinity Church Choir that sings on Sunday mornings and other holy days. The Children's Choir, which is held in conjunction with the children of Moody Methodist Church, also sings during our Sunday worship services.
The Sealy Chimes
The Sealy Chimes, given in memory of John Sealy in 1929, are played during our Sunday worship services, on special occasions like weddings, and on weekdays at 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.